Humans are spatial creatures. We evolved to navigate complex environments and manipulate three dimensional objects. Yet our digital lives today are mostly confined to the thin rectangular space of a screen. We live in Flatland. Not only do touch screens restrict our hands to a form of glorified finger painting, but interactive systems in general haven’t made great use of our abilities for spatial reasoning and situation awareness. That is until now… Recent trends in augmented reality, connected objects, wearables electronics, and virtual assistants, show that technology is in the process of becoming increasingly distributed, spatial, embedded, and if we may say“ubiquitous“. Our physical world is merging with the virtual in new and unexpected ways. The future will be a complex layer cake of digital and physical elements rolled into one continuous connected experience; a world in which matter is programmable and computation is a construction material. What creative possibilities does ambient technology offer for artists and designers?

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Raphael de Courville
Media artist, creative technologist
Hours and dates
Friday 3 Nov. from 3:10 to 3:50 pm
The place
KIKK.french - Théâtre
The conference
Escape from Flatland

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Raphael de Courville
Raphaël de Courville is a media artist, creative technologist, and co-founder of NEEEU, an independent innovation studio specialising in the design of immersive experiences. Previously, Raphaël worked for ART+COM where he led a prototyping and R&D lab focused on ambient interaction. He was involved in artist collectives Graffiti Research Lab Germany and Sable Vivant. Since 2012 he has been co-organising Creative Code Berlin, a community that promotes creative uses of technology.