Our main goal is the development of the video game industry in Namur by helping the creation of startups, interesting publishers to open studios, promote Video Game as communication and learning support in educational, cultural and tourism organizations.
Pole Jeu Video Namur
Hours and dates
02/11 - 04/11 | 10:00 to 6:00 pm
The place
KIKK.market - Place d'Armes
Learn more about
Pole Jeu Video Namur
The company
Play Our New Games ! is a non-profit organization in charge of the development of a Video Game Pole in Namur. We are working in collaboration with academic partners like HEAJ and UNAMUR, business partners like and public authorities organization like TRAKK, BEP and City Of Namur.
Studios and games :
Apocalypse Hunters develops location based and AR (Augmented Reality) mobile games with unique features.
Upperz is a fast paced platform hell, strap on your explosive boots and bring havoc in the fully destructible world of Upperz!
Quarantime is a recipe for fans of thrills. An immediate and intense chasing experience, placing the gamer in a frenzy quest to manage his stress, finding his inner peace thanks to the training to become a zombie shepherd