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Maybe you were on a mountain, at sea, or on an island. Anyway each of your memories is linked to a place. 

LaTaab uses your personal experiences and satellite data to create 3D maps on wooden furniture. We en-light your attachment to a region. To do so we use the latest machining technologies  on massive wooden parts to give life to the landscape of the region you love. We enable you to adopt the bird view on these landscapes you know well. 


The company

Pierrick Blaise & Sylvain Hochede

Nature and mountains lovers, we wanted to use our skills of aeronautical engineers to create a beautiful and meaningful object. The sharing time we have around a map before going on a trekking is something we want our clients to have when being around one of our piece. Our startup is born during a StartUp Weekend theme Space and then has been accelerated during the StartUp Camp by Nest'up.
