The conference

You only live online

1.31GB keynote presentation by media artist Dries Depoorter on his artistic work about privacy, surveillance and social media. Dries will showcase work in progress and tell about all the details of finished work. Assembling, sharing and experimenting with private data of himself and random people found on the internet, digital artist Dries Depoorter tackles in a thought-provoking way issues like social identity, big data sharing, encryption and (the lack of) protection of our online privacy.



Learn more about

Dries Depoorter

Media artist and concept provider Dries Depoorter attracts worldwide attention with media installations that prove how innovations such as facial recognition and the Internet of Things can turn against you. Do you want to report a jaywalker when it suits you, or literally peak over the shoulder of the Seattle police force through a webcam ? Dries Depoorter studied electronics for six years before making the switch to media arts at the KASK School of Arts Ghent, where he graduated in 2015. His interactive media installations have been presented worldwide. Currently he lives in Amsterdam where he is supported by Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst.
