Theater of Namur
Theater of Namur
Place du Théâtre
Welcome desk, KIKK.Talk, KIKK.French, Bar, Bookshop by Point Virgule, Namur
Get directionsPractical Details
Theater of Namur
Welcome desk, KIKK.Talk, KIKK.French, Bar, Bookshop by Point Virgule, Namur
Get directionsThere are one direct trains to Namur every hour from Brussels Airport and two trains by hour with a connection via Brussels North station. More info :
Some of the Ryanair flights land in Charleroi (Brussels South) Airport. It’s 30 minutes from Namur with a taxi (46€) or you can a bus to Charleroi (20') then a train for Namur (30'). More info :
There are trains to Namur from any Belgian station. From Brussels it will take you 1 hour (2 trains per hour). The main festival venue is 15 minutes walking from the station. You can book your international train tickets and national train tickets on:
P+R Saint-Nicolas (276 pl.) avenue Albert 1er and P+R Namur Expo (475 pl.) avenue Sergent Vrithoff. On the parking Saint-Nicolas (avenue Albert 1er) and Namur Expo (avenue Sergent Vrithoff), you need to buy a bus ticket of 2 € and that’s the only amount you will pay for a full day of parking, a good way to avoid expensive parkings of the center.